
Independent Thematic Evaluation of UNCTAD’s Africa, Least Developed Countries and Other Special Needs Countries Division

Sector: Economic Development, Trade, and Industry

Client: UNCTAD

Geography: Global

Date: September, 2018

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DeftEdge helps ensure organizations meet ethical standards and objectives on a range of issues, such as economically empowering women and refugees through access to finance and markets and mitigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. (WFP, FAO, Pact, ActionAid, UNHCR livelihoods partners)

UNCTAD’s Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes (ALDC) is vested with the substantive responsibility for Subprogramme 5 (SP5), which aims “to promote development of national policies and international support measures to build productive capacities for economic development and poverty reduction in Africa, LDCs and other groups of countries in special situations and to progressively and beneficially integrate them into the global economy”. Using a mixed-method approach with triangulated data, the evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, partnerships, efficiency, impacts, sustainability, and human rights and gender aspects of SP5 in the period 2013–2017.